On the unfinished roof of one of the few modern, two-stor
On the unfinished roof of one of the few modern, two-storey building in Uruzgan's capital, Tarin Kot, one of three small groups of men see out the day the way many in this oft-neglected province spend their days; sitting, talking and drinking tea. Yet, what can easily be misconstrued as a relaxed way of life comes with the eternal background din of war. People in Uruzgan are so accustomed to it that the common refrain, "it is fine, everything is good", when asked about security in the province, is only qualified with, "there is fighting always; IEDs everyday. Nowhere is safe", with further questioning. It is as if an environment so ingrained with violence has irreparably damaged this province's perception of what is a satisfactory way of life. Or perhaps it's adaptation—a warped perception which allows life's few small pleasures to exist against the backdrop of a Forever War. Photo: @andrewquilty / Oculi for @everydayasia. 14.5.2015. #tarinkot #Uruzgan #Afghanistan #tea #war #everydayeverywhere
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