دارن ایمیل می زنن و ریپورت +19 برای اهنگ 3D کوک می زنن تا
دارن ایمیل میزنن و ریپورت +19 برای اهنگ 3D کوک میزنن تا اجراش کنسل شه. خواهشا این متن رو توییت کنید:
@BIGHIT_MUSIC @bts_bighit antis has mass emailed KBS and also reported Jungkook’s 3D to invalidate it from being performed on music show, due to which the song is now marked as +19 after 1 week of release even Clean version, impacting song perf on chart due to adult verification
@BIGHIT_MUSIC @bts_bighit antis has mass emailed KBS and also reported Jungkook’s 3D to invalidate it from being performed on music show, due to which the song is now marked as +19 after 1 week of release even Clean version, impacting song perf on chart due to adult verification
۰۳ آذر ۱۴۰۲
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