شبکه TNV که یه شبکه محبوب کره ای بود اومده عکسی از بی تی
شبکه TNV که یه شبکه محبوب کرهای بود اومده عکسی از بیتیاس منتشرکرده که تو اون چهره یونگی و شطرنجی کرده و همه آرمیها دارن به هایب ایمیل میزنن که یکاری کنه. تیز باشید برید ایمیل بزنید یا انقدر پخشش کنید تا آرمیهای دیگه ایمیل بزنن. دست از سربنگتن بردارید مگه یونگی با اسکوترش رفته تو ماتحتتون که انقد بهتون فشار آورده؟! آیدی بیگهیتم براتون گذاشتم. نیاز به حمایت همه آرمیها داریم🕊🌱
To Whom It May Concern,
We are emailing to draw immediate attention and ask for haste action against tvN STORY’s upcoming broadcast on the 26th that will have SUGA’s image censored. For their program, “회장님네 사람들” they have released a trailer that featured the artist censored. This is unacceptable considering the case involving SUGA is not finalized and results have not been confirmed.
We ask the company to protect the image of their artist and take action against the broadcast to ensure the protection of your artist’s reputation.
Thank you for your time.
کپی از ایشون👇🏻
To Whom It May Concern,
We are emailing to draw immediate attention and ask for haste action against tvN STORY’s upcoming broadcast on the 26th that will have SUGA’s image censored. For their program, “회장님네 사람들” they have released a trailer that featured the artist censored. This is unacceptable considering the case involving SUGA is not finalized and results have not been confirmed.
We ask the company to protect the image of their artist and take action against the broadcast to ensure the protection of your artist’s reputation.
Thank you for your time.
کپی از ایشون👇🏻
۰۶ شهریور ۱۴۰۳
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