✞ߊ ܭَܝ ܭܢܚܨ ܢ̣ܣࡅ߳ߺߺܙ ܭَܦ̇ࡅ߳ߺߺܙ ܩܢܚܟܿܝ ܘ ܥܼܠࡐ ܚ݅ࡍ ࡐ ߊ ࡅ࡙ܢܚ
✞ߊܭَܝ ܭܢܚܨ ܢ̣ܣࡅ߳ߺߺܙ ܭَܦ̇ࡅ߳ߺߺܙ ܩܢܚܟܿܝܘ ܥܼܠࡐܚ݅ࡍ ࡐߊࡅ࡙ܢܚߊ ࡅ߭ࡅ߳ܝܚࡍ ࡅ߭ܝ̇ߊܝ ܣܩࡅ࡙ࡅ߭ܥܼࡐܝܨ ࡅ߳ࡐܝࡐ ܩܢܚܟܿܝܘ ܭࡅ߭ࡍ߭ ࡅ߳ࡐ ܣܩܢ ߊࡐࡍ߭ ܣߊ ܝࡐ ܩܢܚܟܿܝܘ ܭࡍ߭ ✞
If someone tells you that they are making fun of you, don't be afraid, if they make fun of you, make fun of them too.
If someone tells you that they are making fun of you, don't be afraid, if they make fun of you, make fun of them too.
۲۶ آذر ۱۴۰۳
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